A purchase order (PO) serves as an acknowledgment, or promise, that payment will follow in the future for specific goods or services.
We recommend that you use a PO for purchases of goods and services over $250. Accounts Payable will not process purchase orders or invoices for major purchases which have not been approved by our Procurement Office.
After you submit an approved requisition to the Finance Department (see "Requisitions"), and we create the Purchase Order, the amount that is available to spend from the budget—as indicated by the the account number used on the purchase order—decreases by the dollar amount of the PO. This is called an encumbrance, meaning, those funds have been set aside for this purchase and can't be spent elsewhere.
We mail or fax the original purchase order to the vendor and the merchandise is sent to the "Ship To" address on the purchase order. We then send the pink and gold copies to the department that requested the purchase order.
The pink form is the department's copy. Once the department has received the goods or services, the department's authorized signer should return the gold copy to the Finance Office, with the signer's approval to indicate that payment for those goods and services can now be made.
Partial Shipments
If you receive a partial shipment, and the remaining balance will not be received within the immediate future, we can make a partial payment against the PO. Make a copy of the purchase order and place a notation by the goods that have been received, and that it is "okay to pay."
Once you have received all the goods, forward the signed gold copy to Accounts Payable, noting that a partial payment has already been made. This will allow prompt payment to be made on the goods that have already been received.
Any variances over $50 between the actual invoice and the purchase order amount will require additional payment approval from the department's authorized signer. Approval can be by email, fax, signing the invoice, or noting the increased price on the gold copy of the Purchase Order.
Office Supplies
Order all office supplies from Staples. As much as possible, use online ordering for Staples. Contact Procurement at procurement@lesley.edu for information about online ordering.
Purchases of memberships, subscriptions and conference registrations do not need to be done on a purchase order; a check request is sufficient as long as the appropriate documentation is attached.
If a purchase order is still open at year-end and the goods and services have not been received by June 30 or paid for by the end of July, the purchase order will roll-forward to the new fiscal year. When the purchase order is paid, the expense will be recorded in the new fiscal year's budget.
Blanket Purchase Order
A blanket purchase order is used to purchase a year round service. An example of this type of service is travel, courier service, books, supplies, etc. Blanket purchase orders are not established for FedEx or Staples.
Major purchases (totaling $2,500 or greater) must comply with the University's Procurement Policies.
Submit the requisition with the vendor name and address, description of services or goods, the 10-digit general ledger account number, and the estimated cost for the fiscal year. An authorized signer must sign the requisition.
Submit any invoices that are associated with a blanket purchase order to the Finance Office. Be sure to include the department and expense line, and the approval of an authorized signer.
In addition, you must write the blanket purchase order number on the invoice, or the payment will not be deducted from the blanket purchase order. Due to the large number of blanket purchase orders, the Finance Office cannot research the appropriate blanket purchase numbers.
If the actual cost of the goods or service used is expected to exceed the original blanket purchase request, you must send another requisition to the Finance Office to increase the amount of the blanket PO. Include the blanket purchase order number on the request.
Once the fiscal year ends, the blanket purchase order is closed and you'll have to establish a new for the new fiscal year. This does not happen automatically—the department must request it.